Category Archives: Dog Collars & Leads
Dosha Dog Triple Circle with Hematite Collection

Dosha Dog Triple Circle with Hematite Collection. Dog Collars & Leads. Triple Circle with Hematite Collection All Dosha Dog products are 100% handcrafted in their own production facility starting from construction of the leather product to the intricate gemstone design work. They custom cut each piece of gemstone …. .
Dosha Dog Pink Triple Circle with Hematite Collection

Dosha Dog Pink Triple Circle with Hematite Collection. Dog Collars & Leads. Pink Triple Circle with Hematite Collection All Dosha Dog products are 100% handcrafted in their own production facility starting from construction of the leather product to the intricate gemstone design work. They custom cut each piece of gem …. .
Dosha Dog Diamond Faceted Rhinestones & Hematite Dog Collar

Dosha Dog Diamond Faceted Rhinestones & Hematite Dog Collar. Dog Collars & Leads. Diamond Faceted Rhinestones Hematite Dog Collar All Dosha Dog products are 100% handcrafted in their own production facility starting from construction of the leather product to the intricate gemstone design work. They custom cut each piece o …. .
SoftE Smart Collar
Camon Pet Car Seatbelt
Canny Collar Training Collar

Canny Collar Training Collar. Dog Collars & Leads. The Canny Collar is an innovative dog training collar designed to stop your dog pulling on the lead. unlike a headcollar, the Canny Collar is made up of a conventional collar with a slip line the fits over your dogs nose. The lead attaches behin …. .