Category Archives: Grooming Accessories

Groom Professional Red Spray Bottle

Groom Professional Red Spray Bottle. Grooming Accessories. Groom Professional Red Spray Bottle 250ml Metal spray bottle which has a special finish inside to avoid corrosion. Ideal for cologne, water or any de-matting sprays. .

CarPet Pet Hair Remover

CarPet Pet Hair Remover. Grooming Accessories. CarPET Pet Hair Remover Works on virtually all animal hair: dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, hamsters etc and gathers and collects the pet hair from all soft material: upholstery, carpets, car seats, motor home furnishings, cushions, rugs and cl …. .

Chris Christensen Double Action Spray Bottle

Chris Christensen Double Action Spray Bottle . Grooming Accessories. Chris Christensen Double Action Spray Bottle This time-saving staple of the pros is now available from Chris Christensen. Sprays when pulling trigger and again as you release, allowing half the effort of normal sprayers. .

Christies Rubber Broom and Handle

Christies Rubber Broom and Handle. Grooming Accessories. Rubber Broom and Handle This Rubber Broom is ideal for brushing up hair and dirt on most surfaces. The Rubber bristles help to catch hair and dirt left behind by standard brooms. This can be used with disinfectant to sanitize the salon or kennels.  .